Nothing can match the confusion and emotions that come after someone close to you gets incarcerated. It feels like the world has turned upside down, and you may feel lost on what to do next. However, you still need to be there for them.
However, many people don’t know how to do that. Whether you find yourself in this position due to a loved one being incarcerated or trying to help a friend through this challenging time, there is always something you can do.
The most important thing is to be there for them. Here are some tips on how you can help a friend or family member who’s been incarcerated.
1. Visit Them When You Can
One of the best things you can do for a friend or family member who has been incarcerated is to visit them when you can. It will mean a lot to them, and it can help keep their spirits up.
Visiting hours vary depending on the prison, so check with the facility beforehand. You may also need to make arrangements with the prison to get clearance to visit.
2. Talk on the Phone
If visiting them in person isn’t possible, talking on the phone can be a good alternative. It’s not quite as good as being able to hug them and tell them everything will be alright, but it’s still better than nothing. Make sure you have their number before they are incarcerated, as the prison may not give it to you.
3. Write Letters
Another great way to keep in touch with a friend or family member who has been incarcerated is to write letters. This way, they can read them at their leisure, and you can update them on what’s going on in your life.
You can also include photos if you want. Just be sure to check the prison’s mailing policy first. If you do not know where your loved one is being held, you can use this platform that makes locating offenders in Minnesota easier.
This way, you can learn the exact address to mail your letters to ensure they receive them.
4. Stay Positive
It’s important to stay positive when it comes to helping a friend or family member who has been incarcerated. This can be difficult, but it’s crucial if you want them to stay strong. Don’t talk negatively about the prison or the inmates. Instead, focus on the good things in their life. Remind them of all the things they have to look forward to once released.
5. Don’t Give Up on Them
It’s easy to feel like giving up on a friend or family member who has been incarcerated, especially if they are in for a long time. However, don’t give up on them. Continue to be there for them, even when they may not seem like they want or need it. They will appreciate it in the long run.
6. Send them Money
If you have the financial means, sending your friend or family member money while incarcerated can be a great way to help them. You can use it to purchase things from the commissary or cover other expenses. Just be sure to check with the prison first on what is allowed.
7. Talk About Your Life
When you talk to your friend or family member who has been incarcerated, be sure to talk about your life. It can help keep them connected to the outside world. Share what you’ve been up to, what new things you’ve learned, and anything else that is interesting. It will make them feel like they’re still a part of your life.
In summary, there are many things you can do to help a friend or family member who has been incarcerated. The most important thing is to be there for them and keep their spirits up. Stay positive, and don’t give up on them.
And lastly, continue to talk to them about your life. It will help keep them connected to the outside world.