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What Social Media Is Built On Bitcoin?

It is true that digital currency was initially started as a form of investment or exchange. With time, it got a lot of popularity on a global level and its usage expanded in various manners. So much so that today we can see Cryptocurrency being used in unexpected manners. One such use is social media being built on it. Bitcoin is the market leader in the world of cryptocurrency and there are social media platforms associated with it.  This is the testimony of its popularity, acceptance, and reliability. Buying Bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange such as bitsoftware360.com is the typical method of Bitcoin trading for most individuals.

In this article, we will talk about the social media platforms that are built on Bitcoin.

What Is A Social Media Platform?

The social media platform is basically a way through which people connect with each other. Individuals residing across the globe are able to communicate with each other effortlessly and in real time, thanks to the emergence of social media. Social media platforms have become a crucial part of human beings’ lives. They expand the horizons of users in various forms and manners.

As a matter of fact,  social media platforms are not only a way to connect with each other anymore.  Rather, there are many other aspects associated with them. They have become some of the biggest revenue-generating businesses in the World. The top most-used social media platforms generate trillions of dollars quite easily. What makes these social media platforms safe and trustworthy is the fact that there is a mechanism of control that keeps a check on the activities regularly.  Anything that goes out of the limits of human ethics is censured immediately.

Social Media Platforms And Bitcoin

The basic Framework on which Bitcoin is based is called Blockchain. Blockchain technology is one of the most powerful technologies that the world has ever seen. It makes Bitcoin a highly safe and secure digital entity,  which is why people buy it in huge volumes and manage them through Bitcoin trading software.

This blockchain technology is also used to create social media platforms.  However,  what sets the regular social media platforms from those that are built on blockchain is the fact that the latter are not centralised. Brother,  they have a special feature of being decentralized.  in simple words,  it’s not possible to keep a check on the activities of these social media platforms by a central authority as they are not controlled by anyone. Compared to other social media platforms, these are distributed across numerous computers.

Advantages Of Social Media Built On Bitcoin

Social media platforms that are built on Bitcoin come with various benefits. The two most talked about advantages they offer are:

a. Highly Secure

There is no central authority to control the user data as it is a decentralized system of working.  This makes this social media network highly secure and trustworthy as the data is not vulnerable to breach.

b. Profitable

Another great advantage of the social media built on Bitcoin is that the users can earn digital currency through them. The method of making profit is simple as they only need to create content and share it with others. Interaction with other users also helps them earn more cryptos.

Social Media Platform Built On Bitcoin

There are various social media platforms built on Bitcoin and some of the most famous ones are as follows:

a. Memo.com

Memo.com is built on the Bitcoin blockchain and is increasingly getting popular amongst people who love to interact with others and yearn to earn money through the process. Juts like the bitcoin cryptocurrency, this social media platform based on blockchain is also highly decentralized. However, once you share some content on it or perform some activity, you can’t reverse it.

b. Sapien

Sapien is built on Bitcoin and is one of the most customisable social media platforms available. This platform was brought into reality simply to bring a solution to the loopholes presented by regular social media platforms. As it was able to solve most of these issues, it turned out to be a revolutionary invention. It is built on the Web 3.0 framework and helps users monetize their time and interactions.

This social media network lets users interact with each other with great efficiency and they can even earn heavy bucks through it. This blockchain-based network is built on Ethereum.

Final Thoughts

The concept of social media platform built on Bitcoin is getting popular with every passing day.  People are opting for them as they offer an ability to earn cryptocurrencies simply by interacting with others.