Most of us never considered using exact math techniques to solve life problems. However, people who are born mathematicians are probably regularly using it without giving it much thought. The concept of problem-solving is at the core of math so, accordingly, both life and math require the same set of skills. Famous 19th-century mathematician, astronomer, and Harvard University Professor Benjamin Peirce described mathematics as “the science that draws necessary conclusions”, which is exactly what we have to do in life daily.
The modern definition says that mathematics is a pattern-seeking study of quality, structure, and change. The main goal of this science is to formulate relations and conjectures using certain axioms and definitions, through the process of deduction. This definition is a perfect starting point for further digging into the connection between logic and math.
The sister disciplines’ intertwined relationship
According to philosopher and Paris Ouest University Assistant Professor Denis Bonnay, the relationship between math and logic can be considered a natural one. Mathematicians are trying to prove various theorems by using mathematical concepts and logical principles. As a study of reasoning and inferences, logic can essentially provide proof and confirm the truthfulness of the mathematical solutions.
While investigating this relationship, mathematicians Friedrich Frege and Bertrand Russell referred to it as logicism and were confronted with other scientists’ different opinions. Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was one of those who didn’t support this theory although he wrote about it in his book Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. As it seems, this was not just an extraordinarily intriguing topic for early 20th century scientists, but also a controversial one as well.
Solving math problems with mathematical logic
The studies conducted within the last two decades give us hope that future generations of college students will be able to find an explanation even for the most complex unsolved math problems. The main reason for this assumption is that techniques such as critical thinking, logical reasoning, and mathematical logic will be used as an extremely efficient weapon in a battle with challenges of both modern science and society.
Although it might sound questionable, mathematical logic problem solving is not just the most natural and rational but also the easiest way for our brain to find the solution. Instead of teaching students how to deal with calculus problems with answers we could show them the benefits of a different approach and teach them to understand the math problem using the learning process they already know. Mathematical logic is a combination of math, philosophy, technology, and linguistics that uses language learning patterns to assist with the logic math questions and answers process. It also serves as a mechanism that helps process, filter, and resolve contradictions. The purpose of applying mathematical logic to any subject in life, including logic mathematics problems, is to confidentially progress using an already established and therefore most convenient path toward the solution.
For students who are not born with the math gene, the good news is that mathematical logic can be enhanced and strengthened. Students who choose to accept the challenge of improving their mathematical intelligence should practice certain brain activities regularly. There is already a sufficient amount of proof that in order to help the brain to grow and prosper students’ mindsets should be changed as well. Along with the creative thinking, introducing mathematical logic into the school program should and hopefully will be an upgrade that many school systems in the world will apply as an innovative learning strategy.
The future of logicism
It’s already established that children feel more inspired to learn in a structured, well-organized atmosphere. Even the hard subjects and sciences such as math, physics, chemistry, or technology look less frightening when they are presented through the patterns based on the combination of logic and math. This means that not only are the results of the lectures better but also children feel comfortable and can enjoy the instructions delivered in a logical and therefore easily understandable way.
Once their confidence is boosted children will be inspired to look deeper into the subject of their new interest. They’ll naturally apply critical thinking, develop conceptual ideas and use various analytical features, such as charts, graphics, and journals. It’s also safe to expect that children’s curiosity as well as a will to observe, and experiment will grow and eventually take them on a quest of finding answers to the unsolvable math problems.
Author’s Bio
Joel Strachan is one of those authors destined to fulfill his role on this planet through words. As a passionate writer, he observes the world and finds inspiration and topics worth researching and content writing. According to his own words, he is a genuine nerd who is madly in love with science, technology, nature, and life in general.