The stress of our jobs can have a huge impact on our lives. Firstly, it can affect our own mental health, and in many cases leading to the likes of depression, anxiety and addiction, but it also has a wider effect on those around us though, potentially damaging relationships and causing arguments.
Every job has some degree of stress, from long hours and tight deadlines to having to deal with angry customers on a daily basis, or worse still, nightmare bosses.
The rise in addiction over recent years has seen more and more people check in to an alcohol rehabilitation centre, and one of the most common reasons people have developed an addiction often stems from work and the stresses of it.
But what are the most stressful jobs to take a career in? According to the Occupational Information Network, they are the following…
The role of a urologist is the most stressful according to the study, with the network giving the role a stress level of 100. However, it is a high salary role, with those in them earning a few hundred thousand a year.
Urologists specialise in conditions around the urinary tract, as well as the reproductive system.
Film and Video Editors
The role of an editor is an intricate one, but video also needs to be chopped and cut at pace to ensure it’s ready for broadcast, and the stress of hitting those deadlines can be soaring.
The Occupational Information Network scored the job at 99 stress level, and when the salary is almost a quarter of a urologist, the stress levels perhaps don’t quite get the reward either.
Anesthesiologist assistant
Earning just over a hundred thousand per year, an anesthesiologist assistant scores 98 on the stress level rating, with the assistants required to administer anesthesia for procedures as well as monitor patients and provide care during surgical treatments. Of course, due to the nature of the role, and the lack of room for mistakes, it can certainly set stress levels soaring.
Judges and magistrates
Level in terms of stress level with anesthesiologist assistants, judges are required to determine the liability of a defendant and will also sentence them. Effectively, they are in control of people’s lives and with that comes a lot of responsibility alongside ensuring justice is served.
Phone operators
Completing the top five most stressful jobs is phone operators. Again, the network have this level pegging with the two previous, with the role of a phone operator varying depending on who they work for.
Often this type of job also commands low pay, which makes the stress even more difficult, and it’s no wonder so many people in the roles do struggle with mental health problems.