One of the deadly driving behaviors is tailgating, which is the reason for thousands of road accidents every month. Tailgating means vehicle accidents that may occur because of driving and following a car relatively closely. As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report, rear-end accidents due to tailgating are accountable for around 23% of vehicle collisions, with an average of 2,000 deaths. Not keeping a safe distance from other vehicles leads to more than 500,000 motor vehicle accidents around the world.
What is Tailgating?
Tailgating indicates that you are not maintaining a safe distance with the vehicle at the front. The safe distance will vary based on visibility, weather, road conditions, and speed. The Highway Code declares that one must leave at least a 2-second gap between vehicles at the front when driving in quick-moving traffic.
When you are tailgated and get into an accident due to the reckless driving of the offending party, it is best to hire skilled lawyers. The car accident attorneys will help you hold the driver accountable for the damages you suffered due to the accident and get you the maximum compensation amount within a short time.
What are the Dangers of Tailgating?
Tailgating leads to severe rear-end collision accidents that may result in extreme injuries and chronic health problems, which are listed below:
- Spinal Cord Injuries
The force of rear-end vehicle collisions leads to vertebrae compression or fracture that damages the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries frequently lead to paralysis.
- Brain Injuries
The brutal force of the tailgate accident affects the skull, which can lead to bleeding or bruising of the brain. These injuries will likely add more pressure in the skull that will cause severe brain malfunctions and permanent control loss over breathing.
- Soft Tissue Damage
If the passenger in the vehicle is affected by the rear-end collision force, then In that case, it leads to impulsive acceleration of the head and spinal cord along with a swift backward movement. As a result, the victims will suffer from soft tissue damage.
5 Ways to Avoid Tailgating
Here are some best tips that can help you avoid being tailgated and ensure safe driving.
- Drive Cautiously
While getting tailgated, you may become stressed due to the reckless driving of the other driver. However, remaining calm without panicking and driving cautiously is vital. If it is safe, widen the gap between yours and the front vehicle, so there will be enough space for the vehicle at the back to overtake.
- Follow the Speed Limit
If the weather condition is good and the road is clear, it is best to maintain speed. In some cases, driving slower than the recommended speed limit may start tailgaters. However, if you do not want to deal with the tailgaters, it is best to slow down or pull over to the side safely to allow them to overtake your vehicle.
- Stick to the Right Lane
As per the US traffic rules, the rightmost lane is considered a slow-speed lane. Due to that, there will be fewer chances of getting tailgated when driving in the rightmost lane.
- Send Clear Signals
If you wish to pull over to the side, it is best to clearly signal the driver at the back before and then slow down to avoid colliding. Avoid staring in the rear-view mirror all the time, and make sure to focus on the road ahead without being distracted by the other drivers.
- Avoid Tapping the Brakes
When you are being tailgated, it is better to avoid tapping the brakes too often since this can trigger tailgating by the driver at the back.
Bottom Line
It is important to ensure that never tailgate any driver as it is associated with several dangers. At the same time, if you are being tailgated, follow the safety precautions to avoid getting into an accident. Maintaining a decent speed, sticking to a single lane, focusing on the road and the rear-end vehicles, and sending clear siding-over signals to the other driver will help avoid tailgating accidents.