Villa Epecuén: Argentina Town Buried Underwater for 25 Years
About 570 kilometers southwest of Buenos Aires lies the remains of a deserted resort town on the coast of Laguna Epecuén in Argentina. Named...
Project MKUltra
After the end of World War II, the climate of worldwide conflict changed and the dawn of the Cold War altered the direction of...
Manteno State Hospital
In 1927 the state of Illinois purchased over 1,000 acres of land earmarked for a massive mental health complex to become known as Manteno...
The City Under One Roof: Buckner Building
After World War II plans were conceived by the U.S. military to construct a massive outpost in Alaska, due in part to the growing...
New York’s Forgotten North Brother Island
Located between Riker's Island and the Bronx on the East River, North Brother Island currently sits in a state of disrepair, abandoned for the...
Roanoke: The Lost Colony
Perhaps one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of American History is the fate of the English colony settled at Roanoke. Originally financed and organized...