Rainy weather is often a welcome relief to the sweltering heat that Australia is notorious for. While a welcome bout of rain is good for cooling things down it also creates the ideal breeding ground for mould growth.
Few people are aware that the pest control Melbourne and other Australian cities rely on, often have a mould management program. Along with this, here are a few tips you can implement to minimise the impact of mould in your home.
What Exactly is Mould?
In short, mould is a type of fungi and it can grow anywhere if the conditions are right. Mould usually forms in damp and humid conditions where there’s little or no ventilation.
Since bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchens are the areas in your home mostly exposed to moisture in the air, they’re often the ideal breeding grounds for mould to grow.
Why is Mould Dangerous?
Mould can be identified as small black or grey spots all over walls, ceilings or floors constantly exposed to damp conditions. When people inhale these bacteria spores it can result in the following health issues:
- Mould spores create respiratory infections
- Watery itchy eyes
- Consistent runny or blocked nose
- Increased or sudden onset of asthma attacks
- Skin rashes
- Continuous sinus problems
Signs of Mould
Fortunately, you won’t be left wondering whether your home has mould or not. The signs are quite noticeable! Some of the more prominent signs include:
- Black, grey or green spots (called spores) on walls, shower curtains or ceilings
- Since mould produces a type of gas when it grows, you’ll notice an earthy, musty smell in the area the mould is most dominant
- Members of the household start experiencing allergy-like symptoms that seem worse in the bathroom or kitchen
Preventing Mould – Easier than You Think!
If your home is susceptible to mould growth, the good news is there are a few easy steps you can take to minimise the problem. Apart from using professionals, consider these few simple tips.
Increase Ventilation
Since mould spores need dark, damp conditions to grow, the quickest way to get a handle on the bacteria is to increase natural light and air. Whether you suspect mould or not, always open bathroom and kitchen windows after rain, showering or cooking.
As rain and steam from cooking add moisture to the air this encourages bacteria growth. If these rooms don’t have a window that can open, consider adding wall or ceiling vents that can circulate the damp air out and fresh air in.
Check for Leaks
Rain and steam aren’t the only culprits when it comes to adding moisture to the air. Plumbing problems such as leaks, or blockages can create a significant build-up of water in and around your bathroom or kitchen.
If you repair a leak, be sure to clean the area where the leak occurred. This will ensure you remove any growing bacteria spores.
Wash Towels and Mats
Mould spores can grow on the items that come into contact with moisture. This includes items such as towels, bath or shower mats as well as dishcloths or kitchen towels.
Wash these items often and allow them to air dry in the sun to kill off any growing bacteria. Wipe the area where the towels or mats are usually placed.
Invest in Mould Sprays
Areas with tiles on the walls or floors make for a wonderful breeding ground for bacteria. Check your local hardware for mould sprays that are designed for removing and protecting tiles and ceramics against mould build-up.
More good news is that these sprays can be used on gutters, roofs and brickwork to eliminate mould growth where gutters might have leaked. Most of these products are environmentally friendly and non-acidic.
Opt for Waterproofing Paint
If you’ve recently dealt with an extensive mould problem, it’s an innovative idea to paint the area with waterproofing paint. These types of paints are guaranteed to keep paint out and protect against the growth of mould spores. As with the mould sprays, these paints can be used both indoors and out.
Reduce Humidity
Ideally, areas such as your bathroom, laundry and kitchen should have a humidity level of 60% or less. Many air conditioners have features that allow you to change the humidity level in your home.
Alternatively, you can consider adding dehumidifying plants such as cactuses around your home. Other ways to dehumidify your home are:
- Take shorter showers to reduce the amount of moisture in the air
- Where possible, line-dry wet clothes rather than using clothes dryers. Dryer machines that aren’t fully vented, release excess moisture into the air.
- Install an extraction fan in the areas most susceptible to increased humidity levels.
- Open windows throughout the house to ensure circulation of dry air.
Final Thought
With so many simple tips at your disposal, it should be easy for you to eliminate mould growth from your home. Use our handy tips in conjunction with advice from your local plumber and your home will be mould-free in no time!