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Why Does My Cat Reach His Paw Out to Me?


Have you ever been sitting on the couch, minding your own business, when all of a sudden your cat comes over and extends his paw out to you? It’s a curious behavior that often leaves cat owners wondering, “Why does my cat do that?”

There are a few theories about why cats might offer their paw to their human companions. Some believe that it’s a sign of affection. After all, when your cat extends his paw out to you, he’s essentially saying, “I like you and I want to be close to you.” Others believe that it’s simply a way for cats to ask for attention. If you’re petting your cat and he puts his paw out, he might be trying to say, “Hey, I want some love, too!”

Whatever the reason behind this behavior may be, one thing is certain: It’s definitely an endearing quality that makes our feline friends even more lovable.

Theory #1: It’s A Sign of Affection

One popular theory is that when cats extend their paw out to their humans, they’re actually trying to say “I love you.” And there’s some scientific evidence to back up this claim. A study published in PLOS One found that when cats were given friendly attention by their owners (i.e., petting and verbal praise), they were more likely to offer up their paw as a gesture of goodwill. So next time your cat does this behavior, know that it just might be his way of showing you some love.

Theory #2: It’s A Way To Get Attention

Another possibility is that your cat is simply trying to get your attention. Cats are smart creatures who know how to get what they want—and if what they want is your attention, they’ll find a way to get it. So if you’re petting one cat and ignoring another, don’t be surprised if the latter puts his paw out in an attempt to snag some of that much-coveted petting time for himself.


There are a few different theories about why cats offer their paw out to their humans. Some believe that it’s a sign of affection while others believe it’s simply a way for cats to get attention. Whatever the reason behind this behavior may be, one thing is certain: It’s definitely an endearing quality that makes our feline friends even more lovable.