If you’re waking up with pain in your ribs, it’s likely due to either an underlying medical condition or an injury. There are a number of different medical conditions that can cause rib pain, including GERD, costochondritis, and pleurisy.
On the other hand, if you’ve recently been in an accident or sustained some other type of trauma to your chest, that could also be the cause of your pain.
It can also be sharp, dull, or achy, and it can make it difficult to get out of bed and start your day. Let’s take a closer look at all the possibilities.
Medical Conditions That Can Cause Rib Pain
There are a number of different medical conditions that can cause rib pain. Some of the more common ones include:
GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which acid from the stomach rises up into the esophagus. This can cause heartburn and other symptoms, including chest pain.
Costochondritis: This is a condition that causes inflammation in the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone. Costochondritis is often caused by viral infections or injuries to the chest. It can also be seen in people with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.
Pleurisy: Pleurisy is an inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the lungs. It can be caused by viral infections, lung cancer, or other conditions. Pleurisy often causes sharp chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough.
Injuries That Can Cause Rib Pain
If you’ve recently been in an accident or sustained some other type of trauma to your chest, that could also be the cause of your pain. Some common injuries that can cause rib pain include:
Broken ribs: This is usually the result of a fall or direct blow to the chest. It can also occur during car accidents. Symptoms include sharp pain when taking a deep breath or coughing.
Muscle strains: Strained muscles can cause dull, aching pain in the ribs. This is often seen in athletes who participate in contact sports such as football or hockey. Muscle strains can also occur due to repetitive motions such as throwing a ball or swinging a golf club.
Sternum fracture: The sternum is the large bone in the middle of your chest. A sternum fracture usually occurs as a result of a direct blow to the chest, such as during a car accident or fall. Symptoms include severe pain and difficulty moving your arms or torso.
Most common reasons for rib pain
Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for rib pain when you wake up in the morning.
1. You slept in an awkward position – One of the most common reasons for morning rib pain is sleeping in an awkward position. This can cause the muscles and ligaments around your ribs to become strained or irritated. If you frequently wake up with pain in your ribs, try changing positions and see if that helps.
2. You have a muscle strain – A muscle strain is a tear in one of the muscles that support your ribs. This can happen if you lift something heavy or participate in strenuous activity without warmi ng up first. Muscle strains are usually treated with over-the-counter pain medication and rest.
3 . You have costochondritis – Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects your ribs to your sternum (breastbone). It often occurs as a result of stress or injury to the chest area. Costochondritis is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication and ice/heat therapy.
4 . You have a stress fracture – A stress fracture is a small crack in one of your ribs. It can occur from repetitive motion or trauma to the chest area . Stress fractures are usually treated with rest, ice/heat therapy, and over-the-coun ter pain medication .
There are a number of different medical conditions and injuries that can cause rib pain. If you’re waking up with rib pain, it’s important to see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Most common reasons include sleeping in an awkward position, costochondritis, muscle strain, and stress fracture.
If there are no underlying medical conditions or common reasons then it’s likely that you’ve sustained some sort of injury to your chest area. Treatment for rib pain will vary depending on the underlying cause but may include rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medications.