Imagine walking into a club, house party or a bar hoping to have fun after work but the most shocking thing happens, you meet that one person who blows your mind away. Sounds like a movie, right? Fact is, whether your agenda is to date seriously or casually, sometimes life can be so funny that anyone can change your perspective in a heartbeat. A casual conversation might just be the pathway to grip and squash any expectations you have about the dating world. The question is, how do people get to that point?
This article will spotlight some mind-boggling dating trends that can help you easily spot the cruise catchers or help decide whether to move to the next level, whatever that may entail.
Interesting Trends In Dating
Gambit Dating
Just in case you fall into the one-night stand trap, and you probably like to take things a little further, but you notice the person is using the “calculated and strategic approach”, then you’re in for Gambit Dating. This trend of dating is like a game of chess and surprisingly, it’s known that over 31% of singles out there are all about it. How does it work? If this hot guy or girl calls or texts you back after a fun night out, hinting towards seeing you more often but goes cold shortly after, there’s a chance that their words are simply just that without action behind it. About 33% of women pursue dates solely for a free meal and men prefer the hook-up culture over dating. Whether you play the field or not, make sure the other party is on the same page as you, or it won’t be such a “check-mate” move after all.
We all know that dating apps can be the hotspot for meeting incredibly hot people and sometimes you might just be lucky enough to settle down with a sweet guy or gal who turns heads as well. The honeymoon phase of dating usually calls for some good ole “bae-cationing’’ which is basically a term for going on a vacation with your significant other to enjoy one another’s company. Traveling to places outside of the norm, it may seem a little intense but, yolo, right? About 56% of couples have experienced this trend and claimed that it keeps the relationship thriving. So how do you make yours different? Keep it real, plan ahead of time, be yourself, and observe how the person you’re with reacts to your opinions and suggestions. Make sure the destination is one that both of you agree upon.
Masquerade Dating
Things get a little more heated when they realize you can be intriguing in different dimensions of life. Try looking up your significant other’s favorite movie star, dress up, and create a surprising evening. That’s what masquerading is all about, playing the role of someone else to spice things up a bit. It goes a long way to possibly spark up some new feelings in any relationship and switch up the ambiance. If it’s a first time thing at an event, it allows your personality to shine through whatever is covering your physicalities. Remember the classic 1990’s romantic movie “Pretty Woman”? The actress Julia Roberts, who starred as Vivian Ward, played as an escort and surprised the man who hired her, knocking him off his feet with how enchanting she truly was as a human being, which led to an actual marriage. He saw another side of her that he didn’t expect. Of course, this isn’t every reality, but playfulness in any type of relationship fascinatingly keeps things relationship growing.
Take a deep breath to think, is the person you are heading over hills for a sucker for love or indecisive whether they should take things to the next level? If your thoughts are within these categories, and we’ve all been there, then you’re Hesi-dating. But it’s quite simple, all you need to do is go with the flow because in reality, life is all about uncertainties, no matter how much you try. It always comes down to fate, but listening to your gut can take a lot of work. To have someone worthwhile and a long-lasting relationship may be many folks dream, while others might be stuck in the middle. Hesi-dating has become way more popular since the pandemic started back in March 2020, as people want to take the right precautions against the virus.
When It All Boils Down
Whether you find yourself Gambit-dating, Bae-cationing, Masquerading or Hesi-dating, dating is simply all about being who you are as a whole. Maybe the person you meet might not be that prince charming that rides on a white horse in slow motion or a goddess who awaits at your doorstep, but having real expectations is key. Finding someone who has similar dating interests can be easier than you think. Put yourself out there, state your intentions and enjoy the ride.