The loudest fart in the world was recorded at 118.1 decibels. It happened on May 11th, 1972 in Flint, Michigan by a man named Paul Hunn. The fart lasted for two minutes and forty-two seconds.
How loud is 118.1 decibels?
To put it into perspective, that is equivalent to the noise made by a jet engine taking off from 100 feet away. It is also as loud as a shotgun blast. If you were sitting in a room and somebody let out a fart like that, it would be so loud that it would cause physical pain. You would probably have to leave the room or put your fingers in your ears to try and block out the noise.
How long is two minutes and forty-two seconds?
It might not seem like it, but two minutes and forty-two seconds is actually a really long time when you’re trying to hold in a fart. To give you some perspective, the average person only farts for about six seconds at a time. That means that this man’s fart was almost forty times longer than the average person’s!
What do we know about Paul Hunn?
Paul Hunn was born on April 1st, 1939 in Detroit, Michigan. He later moved to Flint, where he worked as an auto worker at General Motors. He was married with four children. According to his family, he was a “quiet and gentle” man who liked to play cards and listen to country music. He passed away in 2006 at the age of 67 from complications related to diabetes.
Paul Hunn holds the record for the loudest fart in the world. His122-decibel blast lasted for over two minutes! That’s almost forty times longer than the average person’s fart. Paul Hunn was born in Detroit but later moved to Flint, where he worked as an auto worker at General Motors. He passed away in 2006 at the age of 67 from complications related to diabetes.