Excessive workplace comparison not only saps our joy, but it may also jeopardize our careers by focusing on what others are doing instead of how to be the best version of ourselves. Let’s look at how dangerous it is and how to avoid it.
It’s difficult to be equal to others, no matter how hard we strive. Just because someone is more successful than we are at something in a certain setting doesn’t indicate we’ll get the same results if we try to emulate them. It’s especially true if the way they do things makes us feel extremely uncomfortable when we attempt. That individual has their own distinct and effective method of doing things, which may or may not work for us.
Intense and continual comparison with coworkers hurts our productivity. Obsessing over attempting to be someone, we don’t consume time, energy, and sanity. Sure, we should strive to learn from others in order to improve ourselves, but dwelling on what they do and don’t do rather than getting down to business and growing as individuals is highly dysfunctional behavior.
Fortunately, there are healthy techniques to quit comparing ourselves to our coworkers so that we can advance in our jobs with less stress and anxiety. But first, we must be aware of the most common comparison traps in the workplace:
1. Talent
Don’t compare your abilities to those of others. It is critical to recognize that everyone is unique and, as a result, has unique characteristics. You can’t do everything they do, and they can’t do everything you do. Companies and communities exist because of diversity in abilities and skills; if we could all do everything, there would be no reason for them to exist. Some people are born to be talented doctors, while others are destined to be excellent lawyers, journalists, or paper writer service experts. That is why it is important to discover your calling and understand your skills and weaknesses.
2. Time in the company
Each person’s success and skills require time to develop. Some people find their real calling later in life than others. We should not compare ourselves to individuals who have been with the organization for decades or someone who has recently joined and has already outperformed us. We all move at our rate, and some people accomplish more than others.
3. Available resources
Numerous times, financial resources are required to achieve the professional goal. These funds can be used to pay for training, finish a program, or launch a new business. We should not be discouraged because we lack the same wealth or economic stability as others. Although money aids in achieving our objectives and professional goals, not having it should not be viewed as an insurmountable barrier; it will only take a little more time and work. Still, if we stay consistent, we will see benefits sooner or later.
The harm of constantly comparing yourself with others
Excessive comparison with coworkers has a negative impact on our job performance for various reasons, the most important of which are listed below.
1. It is a waste of time
It’s a waste of time to spend all of your time thinking about what other people are doing. What if we put that time to good use instead of wasting time comparing ourselves to others? That time could be better spent on training, analyzing our work performance and growth, or developing an area in which we need to improve?
2. It contributes to the creation of a toxic environment
Envy is bad for you, and it’s much worse at work. Excessive comparison with our coworkers can create a poisonous environment, where employees hold grudges towards the department leader or head. Employee resentment harms their work performance, work ethic, and trust.
3. It has a negative impact on your self-esteem
Comparing yourself to someone who appears to be great at everything won’t make you feel any better. Even if you compare yourself to others to make yourself feel better, this type of conduct is frequently motivated by insecurity and a compulsive desire to discover flaws in others. What if you looked for methods to respect your own merits and abilities instead of looking for flaws in others?
Analyze your performance rather than that of others.
It’s critical to remember that the only person you should compare yourself to is your previous self. If you compare yourself to others, attempt to disrupt the destructive cycle by focusing on yourself. Are you doing a better job this week than you did last week? Have you recently learned something new? Is your skill level higher than it was a month ago?
Final thoughts
Remember to keep your vision in mind. You will be motivated to move forward if you have a clear picture of who you want to be and where you want to go. If you haven’t yet defined your job vision, now is a fantastic opportunity. Stop focusing on your current difficulties, setbacks, and failures and start thinking about where you want to go. Maintain and keep your vision in mind by working toward the end objective every day. Comparing yourself to others will become less important as you get closer to your goal.