Nowadays, it is not difficult to find suitable care cosmetics. These can be both special means for moisturizing the skin of the face, and cosmetic products with wide functionality, in particular, nourishing, rejuvenating, etc. For some, one tool is enough, others may need a combination of several in addition to using mesotherapy products. There are various creams, gels, elixirs, lotions, serums, oils, masks, fluids… You need to decide what is right for you. An experienced cosmetics consultant will always help you decide and choose a line of effective moisturizing products.
How to choose a skin moisturizer?
If you decide to choose moisturizing cosmetics yourself, in order to get the maximum effect as a result of an application, consider the following points:
skin type;
- active ingredients of cosmetic products;
- appropriate time of operation of the tool (day or night);
- experience of using previous cosmetics of a similar plan (if any).
If everything is clear with the last two points, then everything is not clear with the first. Therefore, we will now consider them in more detail.
So, choosing the best moisturizer for the face will help to take into account the appropriateness of the skin type:
- Dry. It is characterized by insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as a deficiency of skin fat. This increases her vulnerability to external negative influences. Dry skin is characterized by reduced thickness and dullness, irritation, tightness, and peeling. It must be moisturized, protected, and nourished. Emollients based on natural oils or squalane are perfect. Moisturizing cosmetics capable of filling the lack of their own lipids will show themselves well. Such effects of cosmetic products as creating a barrier for moisture loss, restoring the lipid balance, counteracting the negatives that provoke dry air and temperature changes, and eliminating irritation, peeling, and inflammation are welcome. Choose a product with a soft and caring effect, since dry skin is often accompanied by increased sensitivity;
- Oily. If you have oily skin, it means improper hydration, it is characterized by enlarged pores, excessive work of sebaceous glands, and the presence of an oily sheen. So you often have to deal with inflammation and rashes. In this case, the best moisturizers for the face are those that intensively but gently moisturize and have a light texture, for example, gels or fluids. Light moisturizing creams for the face can be used, but they must be non-comedogenic, mineral oils are not welcome in their composition. But seboregulation and matting are functions that are even very desirable in this situation. It is important to moisturize oily skin regularly. It should also be properly cleaned: use cleaning products that do not overdry and do not deprive the epidermis of valuable moisture;
- Combined (normal + dry or oily). The logical rule of moisturizing this type of skin, which for some reason is often neglected: combination skin – combined care. Each part of the face should receive appropriate care, that is, for the T- and U-zones, with a pronounced difference between them, different facial moisturizers are needed. It is a little more troublesome, but with a competent approach, it is significantly more effective. The T-zone with increased activity of sebaceous glands (forehead, nose, chin) is well moisturized with products with a light texture, perhaps even matting. And the U-zone, as a rule, is drier, it can be with peeling (the lower part of the chin, cheeks, cheekbones, and temples) – thicker creams, classic cosmetics for moisturizing. If there are differences between the T- and U-zones, but they are insignificant, a great option is a universal moisturizer for all skin types;
- Normal. A rarity, but it happens. The skin can belong to a normal type, and therefore be optimally moisturized and elastic, radiate a natural glow, and not have any imperfections. If you are the owner of normal skin, we are sincerely happy for you. But do not rush to relax. You remember that problems of dryness can arise throughout life due to reasons that are not always dependent on you and me. In order for your skin to be the same as it is now, be sure to take care of it as well. Finding moisturizing creams and other products for normal skin is not a problem.
The composition of cosmetics
The main components of the formulas, which are a guideline when choosing a good means for moisturizing the face:
- Hyaluronic acid (high- and low-molecular). Substance No. 1 is needed to moisturize the skin. Since it is an extremely important part of the intercellular material of the dermis, its deficiency is one of the key reasons for dryness, weak tone, and reduced tissue turgor. High-molecular hyaluronic acid highly effectively moisturizes the skin, and retains moisture in it, creating a thin protective layer that prevents moisture loss. Low-molecular works in the direction of leveling the microrelief, filling small mimic wrinkles and lines of dehydration. In addition, it helps the body to produce its own collagen;
- Calendula. It combines a moisturizing effect with a cleansing and soothing effect. It also accelerates wound healing, increases the protective potential of the skin, narrows pores, and evens out tone and texture;
- Green tea. Provides delicate skin hydration, softening, and toning. Able to eliminate redness and irritation, soothes, renews cells;
- Squalane. Mega effectively restores the hydrolipid mantle, and deeply moisturizes, ensuring the preservation of an optimal level of moisture for a long time. It also has soothing and antibacterial effects, and protects against harmful environmental factors;
- Glycerin. It is followed by deep moisturizing, cleansing of pores, and acceleration of local metabolism with the elimination of toxins and decay products. It also helps transport other useful components deeper into the skin, helps to level, smooth out wrinkles, and provides a natural lifting effect;
- Cotton. Cotton extract or oil provides deep skin hydration and maintains the effect throughout the day. Additionally, it intensifies cellular metabolism, acts as an antioxidant, has an antibacterial effect, and has protective properties. Gives the skin smoothness and purity, and eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness;
- Panthenol. Moisturizes, soothes, and strengthens the dermis. Effectively fights irritation, inflammation, itching, and peeling. Protects against external negativity, restores cells, and renews the skin.
What should NOT be done in order for the result of care measures focused on hydration to please?
5 main “NO’s” when it comes to moisturizing the skin:
- Do not skip or neglect regularity. Skincare aimed at eliminating moisture deficiency in it should be daily. Moreover, if you spend a lot of time in a room with dry air or in an open space, moisturizing several times a day is also relevant.
- Do not apply moisturizers to the skin of the face without first cleaning it.
- Do not clean the skin “to a creak”. Even the deepest cleaning should be delicate, so as not to damage the protective layer, so important for optimal moisture levels.
- Do not use products, even the best, if they are designed for a different skin type.
- Do not neglect UV protection and the use of products with SPF filters. No, even the most effective moisturizing cosmetics, will not cope with its tasks 100%, if at the same time the skin suffers from the aggressive action of the sun’s rays.
Are there seasonal features of facial skin care?
Is facial skin hydration different in winter and summer? This is a very valid question. And primarily not because of differences. And because, if you ask this, then you understand that it is necessary to moisturize the skin, regardless of the season.
The main winter danger is heating and, accordingly, excessively dry indoor air. Also, sudden changes in temperature when going from heat to cold and vice versa are harmful to the skin. When taking care of hydration in winter, first of all, pay attention to products with maximum care for the hydrolipidic barrier. It is especially important at this time.
In the summer heat, the danger comes primarily from air dried by air conditioners and aggressive solar radiation. Proper moisturizing of the skin of the face in the summer requires the mandatory presence of SPF protection. It is also important to drink enough fluids and not stay under the scorching sun for a long time.
Not only in winter and summer, but also in the off-season, when the air temperature often changes, the cold wind blows, there is a shortage of nutrients in the body, and face moisturizing is necessary. It is advisable to combine it with intensive skin nutrition. You should choose complex products that comprehensively take care of the skin: moisturizing, strengthening, nourishing, protective, etc.
Moisturizing the skin of the face is not a small thing at all, as you may have thought at first. It is important and necessary. Its implementation has a number of rules that do not differ in complexity but are of great importance for the result. It is necessary to moisturize the skin of all types, each with its own characteristics, using appropriate moisturizing cosmetics in each specific case. Such a factor as seasonality does not affect the relevance of using cosmetic products for moisturizing. Simply, depending on the season, it is necessary to choose the appropriate care.