When discussing how to get the most out of home appliances and systems, there are two issues to bear in mind: how well they work, and how long they keep working. Although we tend to take many of the conveniences of modern life for granted, we definitely experience discomfort, inconvenience, or both, when they don’t work properly. Keeping things running smoothly is actually rather simple – so simple, that we tend to downplay the importance of doing things the right way. And then, of course, there are those times when, despite our bet efforts, we have a breakdown. Here’s how to keep things running smoothly!
Consider a Home Warranty or Bolster Your Emergency Fund
When our appliances or home systems malfunction, setting things to rights suddenly becomes a very urgent priority. There’s just one problem: repairs or replacements cost money, and we probably didn’t budget for the expense. A home warranty could make things a lot easier. Liberty Home Guard provides a good example of what we’re talking about. As a possible alternative to this type of insurance, pad your emergency fund savings with an amount earmarked for household repairs.
There are pros and cons to both options. Unless you are very disciplined and the need for repairs only arises after you’ve had time to save, your emergency fund could take a beating if things go wrong at home. Then again, if nothing goes wrong and you were paying for insurance in the form of a home warranty, you might feel you wasted your money. Which option is better? The only way to be sure is to find a reliable way to see the future!
You Absolutely Should Take Time to Read the Manuals
It’s the most common mistake that people make: failing to read operating and maintenance instructions! Take a few minutes to go through users’ manuals, contact the makers if you can’t find them, and be just a little bit cautious about generic information. Ideally, you want specific information based on the precise home systems or appliances you are using.
If you’ve been a homeowner for some time, you might feel that you already know what’s what, but simple mistakes like overloading washing machines, or placing fridges too near walls, remain common reasons for poor performance and breakdowns.
Develop a Maintenance Schedule and Stick to It
Poor maintenance and underperformance go hand in hand. Underperformance means strain on the components of systems or appliances. Strain ultimately contributes to breakdowns, leaving you to troubleshoot or get help to do so. It’s a fairly simple equation. Make sure you aren’t on the wrong side of it by sticking to good maintenance principles to the letter. Many of the simpler tasks are fine to DIY – as long as you get them done! At other times, you will need expert help to get things checked out. Cleaned, and ready to deliver their best. For example, a home’s heating and air-conditioning system need annual maintenance, and you do need skilled people to attend to it.
Used to Spec, Clean, and Well-Maintained
Getting the most out of the things that make our home lives convenient and comfortable can be summed up easily. Use them correctly, and maintain them well. However, nothing lasts forever, so do be sure you have an emergency plan in case you end up with expensive repairs or the need for replacements.