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How Fabulism is Destroying America’s Moving Business

Fabulism Isn’t Just Affecting US Politics – It’s Making Moving Businesses Unreliable

Coined to represent the use of untruths and exaggeration to build a story or narrative, fabulism has become more prevalent in modern politics. Politicians have been known to stretch the truth for personal gain, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that this form of deceptive storytelling is now making its way into the moving industry as well.

Already a complicated process, the moving industry is now being plagued by unreliable businesses whose main priority is using extravagant claims to draw in potential customers. From scams involving hidden costs and too-good-to-be-true moving cost estimators to exaggerated claims of safety and security, the risks associated with using these dishonest companies are numerous.

Started By Politicians

Fabulism originally became popular in politics as a way to manipulate the media and public opinion. Politicians would make claims that were either exaggerated or just plain untrue to win favor with voters and advance their own agenda. Now, it’s become pervasive in business dealings, particularly ones involving large sums of money.

Moving businesses know that people want to hear stories of success, which is why they’re increasingly turning to fabulism as a way to make their business look more successful and reliable. They’ll tell exaggerated tales about their products and services, making them sound better than they actually are, in order to attract customers or investors.

Unfortunately, these tales often turn out to be false, leaving people with empty pockets and broken dreams.

Unreliable Business Practices

According to Harrison Gough, lead fraud prevention specialist at MovingAPT.com, “Fabulism is becoming more of an issue in the moving industry, where fly-by-night businesses who don’t use a reliable moving cost calculator are taking advantage of customers.”

While scams can range from covert to overt, the most common type involves a company misrepresenting its services or expertise. This can come in many forms, including:

  • Bogus claims of safety and security, with no proof provided
  • False information about how long the move will take
  • Exaggerated promises of customer service
  • Inflated estimates on the cost of a move
  • Hidden fees and charges that are not disclosed upfront

While some may consider these examples to be a form of white-collar crime, the reality is that they are still frauds. Moving companies should not be allowed to take advantage of customers by making false promises or exaggerations about their services or expertise, and the fact that the highest levels of government are normalizing this behavior is alarming.

A Larger Issue

What we’re seeing in the moving industry indicates a larger problem plaguing businesses today. It’s becoming more and more difficult to tell which companies are reputable or not, as fabulism has become commonplace.

In fact, according to recent complaint statistics from the BBB, more and more companies are receiving more and more complaints regarding deceptive practices. Unfortunately, this means that potential customers are being exposed to risk and must take extra caution when selecting a moving company.

The Solution

Beyond holding those in power accountable for their use of fabulism, there are steps that customers can take in order to protect themselves when selecting a moving company. These include:

  • Researching the company thoroughly before hiring them: Researching to verify if a moving company is licensed and verified is an important step in protecting oneself. This can be done via online resources and is the best way to ensure that a business is legitimate.
  • Reading reviews and testimonials: Reading customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of service provided by a company. Additionally, it can also provide insight into whether or not the company has been involved in any customer disputes.
  • Get multiple quotes from different companies: To get a better potential average price for moving, use an online moving cost calculator from several companies. This will help to ensure that you get the best deal and avoid being taken advantage of by moving companies with unreasonable prices, hidden fees, or deceptive practices.
  • Always get an in-home estimate: A local or long-distance moving cost calculator is great for getting a ballpark figure and exploring the cost of a move. But it’s important to always get an in-home estimate from the moving company, if anything, to prove that they are reliable and trustworthy. And if a company is unwilling to provide an in-home estimate, it’s best to look elsewhere.

What To Do When You Run Into a Moving Scam

While knowing how to avoid moving scams and fabulist business practices is important, knowing what to do is essential when you think you may have encountered one. The first step is to contact the authorities and file a complaint. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau or other consumer protection organizations in your area to report any fraudulent activity or scams.

It’s also important to keep in mind that you may be entitled to a refund for any money or services taken from you by a dishonest moving company. If the company refuses to provide a refund, it’s important to contact an attorney and pursue legal action.

You should also be sure to document any evidence of fraud, such as emails, letters, phone calls, or contracts with the company. This can be used to support your court case and help ensure that justice is served.

Ultimately, you should never feel pressured to hire a moving company or accept a quote from a house moving cost calculator that you don’t completely trust. Doing your due diligence and researching the company thoroughly is essential to protecting yourself from being taken advantage of by dishonest businesses or scammers.

A Chance For An Honest, Reliable Move

We can push back against the proliferation of deceptive moving companies and scams through responsible consumer-led action. By exercising caution when selecting a moving company, asking questions, and doing research, customers can make sure that they get the best services possible without being taken advantage of.

Always remember that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t let yourself become a victim of fraud, and make sure you do your due diligence before hiring a moving company or using their moving budget calculator.