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Essential Supplies Every Student Should Keep in Their School Locker

Starting high school is a major milestone that can be both exciting and a bit scary simultaneously.

Planning for your first days of high school helps you feel less anxious.

And that’s why we’ve put together a list of supplies that students can keep in their school lockers to feel prepared and start your new school year.

1. The basic must-have supplies

As the school year approaches, you must ensure you have all the necessary supplies to succeed. Here is a list of essential supplies every student should keep in their school locker:

A stash of pens and pencils

Always have a few extra pens and pencils in your locker, not for if you lose your favorite pencil, but when. Always having extra can help you be ready for that dreadful day.

Sticky notes

Sticky notes are great for leaving reminders or highlighting important information in your textbook. You can also write encouraging notes or inside jokes on them and stick them on your friends.


While you surely can’t use your phone in class, it’s still a good idea to keep your school lockers stocked with an extra just in case you need to use your phone. Tablet and laptop chargers are also basic tech accessories that can be handy to stash away.

Water bottle

Keeping a water bottle in your school locker can be a lifesaver for those days that never seem to end. Sometimes a sip of water or juice can wake up your senses and get the brain back in action for your next class. Just don’t forget to take the water bottle home to clean it from time to time.

Hair ties

Trust us on this one. If you have long hair and rely on hair ties to tie it back, it’s always wise to have extra.

2. Optimize the space of school lockers with collapsible shelves

Your locker is your home away from home while you’re at school, so it’s important to keep it organized and stocked with the supplies you need to get through the day. A collapsible locker shelf is a great way to maximize space and keep things neatly organized.

Plus, you can find them in all colors, making personalizing school lockers more fun and interesting.

3. Small mirror

Even if you aren’t the type to check your reflection on every shiny surface, you can’t deny that a small mirror or a handheld mirror can come in handy.

Imagine this: You’ve got a big presentation coming up where you’ll need to speak in front of the whole class. No big deal because you’ve made an effort to study. But unfortunately, the whole time you spoke, you had a massive piece of spinach between your two front teeth.

A glance in your locker mirror could have saved you from this imaginary misery.

4. An extra sweatshirt

You never know when you’ll need an extra layer, whether it’s for PE class or because the air conditioning in your classroom is too high. Plus, it’s always good to have a backup if you accidentally leave your regular sweatshirt at home.

5. Some of your favorite photos

Regarding photos, every student has a collection they hold near and dear to their heart. Whether it’s photos of family, friends, or cherished memories, these images help to keep us connected to the people and moments that matter most.

And let’s face it. Bad days at school do happen. An array of happy photos can transform school lockers into your happy place for the moment. And that can help turn a bad day into a not-so-bad day.

Remember, you got this!

When you fill them with helpful supplies, school lockers can be your key to a successful first year of high school. Just remember to breathe and keep your head up!