A stable and uninterrupted power supply is one of the mandatory conditions for comfortable living in the house. However, local suppliers are not always able to provide such a power supply. This is due to network failures that occur for various reasons. For example, equipment breaks down due to natural disasters, line breaks, and other unforeseen situations. In addition, the operation of traditional power plants leads to certain changes in the environment.
It is about the depletion of reserves of natural minerals and harmful emissions. All these are driving factors for the search for alternative sources of sustainable electricity supply. One of the best solutions in this case is solar systems, which are selected taking into account individual needs. There are many models on sale, and they all differ in certain characteristics. To make the choice easier, you should find out what to consider when buying solar panels. This is exactly what we are talking about in the prepared material.
Why Is It Important to Pay Enough Attention to the Choice of Solar Panels?
There are dozens of solar companies in the USA that offer effective solutions for the home. It is not easy to choose the best option among them. After all, designs differ in power level, efficiency, shape, and other important characteristics. Every buyer should familiarize himself with these characteristics in advance. This will not only help you determine the best model that will meet your electricity needs but will also save you money.
How to Choose Solar Panels for Homes?
When considering the possibility of purchasing structures, most owners are looking for the optimal ratio of quality and cost. However, choosing solar panels requires a deeper approach. It involves the use of several criteria at once.
A Variety of Solar Systems
Modern manufacturers managed to establish the production of structures using several technologies. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The task of the buyer is to determine which of them will best satisfy the requests. You can choose from the following types:
- Thin-film designs: This is one of the newest developments. In this case, extremely thin elements are used for production, which can be applied to various surfaces. Important characteristics of thin-film solar panels are flexibility and lightweight. This allows you to install them in places where, for some reason, it is not possible to attach conventional solar systems.
- Polycrystalline types: The peculiarity of these systems is that they are not made from a solid sheet, but from separate parts. This somewhat reduces the efficiency indicator. However, such solar panels have a lower price, which makes them a profitable product to purchase.
- Monocrystalline panels: If you do not know how to choose a solar panel with a high level of efficiency, then you can start with this variety. Monocrystalline units have the highest performance indicators, so they can provide the generation of a large amount of electricity. However, it is worth considering the higher price.
When choosing designs according to this criterion, it is important to first of all decide what is your priority. High performance is required or a budget option is possible.
Quality Level
Even with certain knowledge about construction, it is not always possible to understand how to choose solar panels. After all, structures have many features of functioning, which are revealed after a deeper study. For example, the quality of solar panels is an important aspect. To find exactly such designs, you should contact only proven manufacturers.
There are dozens of such companies on the market, and it is sometimes difficult for an average buyer to determine a reliable supplier of technology. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the warranty period. It must be approximately 25 years or older. This means that the manufacturer uses modern technologies and is fully confident that the solar panels are reliable and will last for a long time.
Financing Options for Solar Panels
Thanks to the expansion of support for the transition to ecological sources of electricity, buyers have several options for paying for structures. That is, you can not only choose the traditional option of financing in the form of full payment at the time of purchase but also take advantage of other offers. For example, some technology providers offer solar panels or power leases, credit purchases, and refinancing programs.
An important aspect in this case is not only the financial side of operations but also ownership. If you choose to lease, then the rights to the solar panels remain with the supplier. This can cause certain difficulties in the case of the resale of the house. However, in this case, the initial costs are much lower. Full payment of the amount involves receiving all the privileges of the full owner.
Solar panels are immediately transferred to private property, which allows you to dispose of them at your own discretion. The disadvantage of this solution is a fairly large amount of initial investment. In addition, you need to consider discounts and incentives from the government. For example, a report by the Pew Research Center indicates that buyers can expect a federal tax credit of 30%. Such conditions will apply until 2032.
Dimensions of Structures
Another criterion that should be considered in the process of choosing solar panels is their size. When considering this characteristic, several recommendations should be considered:
- For houses with high energy consumption, it is worth choosing larger structures. They can fully provide the need for nutrition under such conditions.
- Larger solar panels are more expensive. When considering these designs, you also need to pay attention to cost. It can be higher than in similar models of medium and small size. Under such conditions, a balance between indicators is important.
Calculations will help simplify the choice by size criterion. First of all, you need to calculate the amount of electricity that is consumed daily, and then determine this parameter for a year. In addition, the purpose of using solar panels is important. If they are only needed for backup power, then you can consider models with a small area.
The Level of Productivity of the Installation
Modern models that are on sale have an efficiency of approximately 22%. However, it may vary depending on the material and the influence of external factors. In any case, it is worth learning about this indicator immediately. For example, monocrystalline varieties have the maximum level of productivity. Polycrystalline solar panels have slightly lower indicators, and thin-film varieties have the lowest characteristics so far.
However, all these models have other important features, so it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach in the selection process. It is also necessary to remember the dependence of the level of efficiency on the location of the solar panels. Even the most productive model will not provide the required power in a shaded place. In addition, the angle of inclination, orientation, and ventilation are also important. Structures should be installed so that during the daytime period the most sunlight falls on their surface.
Buyers who want to ensure a sustainable future and uninterrupted power supply for their homes now have many solar panel options to choose from. Thanks to this, you can find the best option for different houses. For example, a powerful system of monocrystalline solar panels for a large multi-story house or a compact model for a small cottage.
However, not only size is important in the selection process. It is necessary to focus on the material, level of efficiency, cost, volume of electricity consumption, as well as the quality of structures. If these characteristics are difficult to understand, you can always turn to an experienced solar company consultant for help.