If we take our time and carefully consider each product’s needs, we can’t go wrong with the package we ultimately choose. We put so much thought into locating the ideal packaging material within our price range that we frequently mistake going with the wrong provider.
Making the appropriate decision when selecting packaging machinery and a top provider like Levapack might be crucial.
Since there are so many factors to consider, it may be difficult to identify the tools and resources that will best serve your current and future requirements. We’ve listed some factors to consider as you weigh your choices when it comes to packaging equipment supplier.
1. Use Only Reliable And Qualified Vendors
Does the vendor you’re looking at have a proven track record of delivering effective systems for this or comparable projects? It is crucial to ensure your choice is a qualified one.
2. Look For The Evidence That The Potential Vendor Has Conducted A Comprehensive Audit
A thorough analysis of your current processes and how they might be enhanced or scaled up is essential because there are various packaging methodologies, packaging platforms, and material alternatives.
It is ideal for collaborating with a group that can provide direction, experience, and a comprehensive grasp of your current and future requirements if you are launching a new product or line. To accomplish this, it is necessary for the potential supplier to hear from operations, marketing, purchasing, and engineering.
Make sure the provider has a floor plan of your factory and that the proposed machinery will fit before signing any contracts. If there are constraints, it’s preferable to learn about them early on and work around them.
3. Spell Down Your Needs In Detail
Provide as much detail as possible while discussing your needs so that your vendors can develop suitable solutions. This rule applies to all types of businesses, whether it’s the car parts manufacturers, household stuff producers, or even apparel firms.
The owners should carefully examine your RFQ and make it apparent whether or not they can fulfill its requirements. Since this is the beginning of a hopefully long-lasting friendship or romantic partnership, precision and thoroughness are essential.
The provider will use this data to begin exploring different possibilities that may work to satisfy your requirements.
4. Be Aware of Any Minimum Order Requirements
While this may not be a major issue for large firms, minimum order quantities (MOQs) are extremely important to startups. This is the case, particularly when it comes to specific needs like unique packaging.
You won’t want to have a huge overhead, especially when you’re first getting your firm off the ground. If you’re looking for suppliers, prioritize those who can offer options with low MOQs.
You can reduce your costs by opting for online suppliers, which can meet your needs without you having to pay for unnecessary space to store inventory or make excessive purchases.
5. Evaluate Whether The Machinery Holds Up Under Maximum Output
It’s important to consider how long a packaging machine will last before buying it. Make sure your vendor gives you a rundown on the machinery’s construction. Because of the complexity and amount of moving elements in most packaging machines, solid construction is essential for reducing the wear and tear that is caused by vibration.
Metal fatigue, stress fractures, bearing problems, and loosened wires are just a few of the issues that can arise from prolonged exposure to vibration, all of which can lead to costly downtime and repairs.
Inquire about alternative factors guaranteeing the lines’ durability in wash-down situations and thorough cleaning.
6. Having To Be Adaptable Is Essential
Although some factories may have specialized machines for each product line, most of them simply swap out their machinery regularly. See to it that the gear you’re considering goes above and beyond what you’re looking for right now.
It’s not uncommon for businesses to use a “one-trick pony” that lacks the flexibility to adapt to shifting needs (map, skin, vacuum). First, you should consider whether this purchase will bring in new customers.
7. Think About The Upcoming Transition
Transitioning from producing one product to another requires a process known as “changeover,” which involves reprogramming the machine or the entire automated line. It affects the total cost of ownership and downtime.
Think about whether the machine builder has spent the effort designing and developing solutions to shorten the time it takes to swap out belts, films, trays, valves by XHVAL, materials, feeds, programs, buffers, etc.
Improved uptime efficiency and less time spent training new operators are both outcomes of a changeover process that is as easy as possible.
8. Check If The Vendor Is A Good Long-Term Partner
Buying new machinery is more than just exchanging cash for things; it’s a public statement of will to work together for the foreseeable future. Since packaging and automation machinery might keep working for up to twenty years, finding a vendor who will work tirelessly to boost your profits is important.
Have you checked to see if the supplier of choice has preventative maintenance plans? Do you think they would be able to get a repairman to your location promptly if you needed one? Would they be able to assist with troubleshooting remotely? How much preparation time has been allotted for the setup?
A company that doesn’t invest in high-quality packaging materials risks losing customers’ trust. But if you don’t do it with the appropriate person, you’ll waste time and effort.
Make sure you make this important decision with all the right knowledge in hand. The above important points are taken from expert advice. So, your first or another packaging machine buying experience becomes a good one.