2022 has flown by, which means it’s that time of year again! Oh yes, we’re talking about Black Friday! Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with holiday shopping; start planning for the biggest shopping weekend of the year ahead of time. Here are five ways to make the most of the big day this year, from nailing down the best Black Friday jewelry deals to finding great holiday gifts for your loved ones.
1. Research Ahead of Time
If you have any big-ticket items on your Black Friday shopping list, you’ll want to start researching prices ahead of time. Retailers get highly competitive with their pricing on Black Friday, so make sure you get the best deals available by looking around for the best price. It’s also helpful to price out items well in advance so that you know what the product actually sells for when it’s full price.
2. Online or In-Person?
Because of all the chaos that surrounds doorbuster deals, many stores have moved their sales online. In fact, many deals are offered both online and in-store throughout the entire weekend to avoid this chaos. There are, however, still some deals that you can only get if you shop in the store.
Prioritize those stores when doing in-person shopping, and then do the rest of your shopping online. Make sure you’re looking out for additional discounts on Cyber Monday. While many stores will offer their in-store deals online, they may offer additional deals and sales on the Monday following Black Friday.
3. Have a Game Plan
Once you’ve established which items you’d like to buy from where, you can start making a game plan. If you have any items on your list that are doorbuster deals, that should be your first priority. These items are most likely to sell out within hours or even minutes of the store opening, so keep that in mind.
Next, you want to ensure you’re going after your big-ticket items. Things like sound systems, headphones, gaming systems, or anything else with a high price tag will be heavily discounted on Black Friday; be sure to check these off your list before they sell out.
You can then set aside leisure time to walk around the mall to find smaller deals on things like clothing, shoes, or makeup. These deals rarely sell out and won’t require as much advance planning on your part. When Cyber Monday comes, you can hit the online side for additional savings.
4. Use Price Tracker Apps
There’s a ton of hype around Black Friday deals each year. Much of that stems from the idea that the types of deals offered on Black Friday only come around once a year, but this isn’t necessarily the truth. There are certain items that have additional sales at different times throughout the year, and these deals can often be better than Black Friday discounts.
Electronics, for example, are one of the most sought-after items for Black Friday deal hunters. However, laptops and computers will also go on sale in August and September during back-to-school shopping. Additionally, TVs usually drop to their lowest prices just ahead of Super Bowl Sunday. The best way to keep track of year-round deals is to use a price tracker app. This way, you can focus on budgeting for the deals that only come around exclusively for Black Friday.
5. Best Black Friday Deals
Here are some of our picks for things you should look out for this Black Friday. As mentioned, certain items like laptops and TVs have better deals at specific times throughout the year. Continue reading for some of the items that are popular Black Friday purchases and whether or not you should wait for a better deal.
- Jewelry: You’re sure to find killer Black Friday jewelry deals. If you plan to give jewelry as a gift this holiday season, make your purchase during Black Friday. If you’re not under a time constraint, you can hold off for February when Valentine’s Day deals come around.
- Toys: There are going to be a lot of toys on sale during Black Friday, but you may be able to find some better deals if you hold off until closer to Christmas.
- TVs: Wait for Superbowl Sunday deals.
- Computers: Wait for back-to-school deals.
- Smaller Electronics: Purchase these items on Black Friday. Headphones, gaming systems, and gaming accessories fall to some of their lowest prices during this time.
Try out some of these tips and tricks to make your Black Friday shopping go as smoothly as possible this year. You’re sure to check everything off your list with a little organization. Good luck and happy shopping!