Have you ever wondered how certain people end up with such interesting careers? Have you asked yourself how they make any money in that profession?
From funeral directors and petroleum engineers to hand models and professional fishermen, this article will discuss some of the most unique and unexpected jobs, what they entail, and the surprising pay associated with them.
- Funeral Director
A funeral director is an individual who helps to plan funerals, prepare the body, and provide support to the mourning family members. Although many may view this field as quite morbid, it actually requires a person with a high degree of empathy to know how to best support the grieving families as they make end of life decisions for their loved ones.
The average funeral director can expect to make around $115,000 annually. In order to be a funeral director, an individual must have a high school diploma and then complete an accredited associate’s program in mortuary science. The individual must then fulfill the licensing requirements by passing a national board exam.
- Petroleum Engineer
This profession requires a four-year college degree, but is considered one of the highest-paying professions for such. The starting salary is typically $95,000, with the average annual salary being $175,000.
Becoming a petroleum engineer is no easy task, however, as it requires a high degree of knowledge in math and science. An engineer is responsible for finding oil and determining the best way to extract the oil from the earth.
- Professional Fisherman (Angler)
It is easy to understand why there are millions of dollars to be made in the professional sports arena, especially if the sport draws a large audience. When individuals think of fishing, however, this same concept doesn’t necessarily come to mind.
Some of the top anglers do make millions, however, with top performers making more than $3 million every year. Although this is not in the tens of millions range, like football and basketball, it is still a hefty sum.
How do they make their money? Like many other sports, there are advertising, endorsement, and sponsorship deals that compensate athletes for representing their brand.
Anglers use high-quality fishermen gear, represent top brands, and enter competitions and tournaments that award prize money.
- Hand Model
Much like a regular model, those interested in hand modeling must hire an agent to represent them. This profession was in higher demand about 10–15 years ago, before social media skyrocketed to the forefront.
Even today, although the field is more competitive, a hand model can expect to make anywhere from $150 to $2,500 per day. How much the hand model works determines their annual income. The average income for a hand model is about $50,000 per year, with the highest-paid models making over $140,000 per year.
There are a variety of interesting jobs available that yield a healthy income for many people. Depending on your education, interests, and background, there is work in any field.
Although these jobs may not appeal to everyone, they are jobs that are essential and contribute to a well-functioning society. So next time you wonder f if there is any money in that interesting profession, remember there is sometimes more money than you may think!