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Why Do I Feel Like I’m So Unlucky?

Why Do I Feel Like I'm So Unlucky?

Ever feel like you’re the only one who can’t seem to catch a break? Like no matter what you do, things just don’t seem to go your way? If you’re feeling like this, know that you’re definitely not alone.

In fact, almost everyone experiences periods of bad luck from time to time. But why does it feel like some people are just born lucky while others always seem to be dealt the short end of the stick? Let’s explore this question a little further.

Is Bad Luck Real?

The first thing to understand is that bad luck is often just a matter of perspective. What one person might consider to be an unlucky string of events may not seem so unlucky to someone else. For example, let’s say you’ve been trying to get a promotion at work for months but keep getting passed over in favor of other candidates.

This might feel like extremely bad luck, but in reality, it may have nothing to do with luck at all. It could be that your boss doesn’t think you’re ready for the additional responsibility or that your co-workers are better qualified than you are.

Attracting Bad Luck

It’s also important to understand that we often attract bad luck into our lives by the way we think and act. If we’re constantly focused on all the negative things that have happened to us in the past or if we allow ourselves to dwell on all the ways things could go wrong in the future, then we’re more likely to bring those negative outcomes into our lives.

On the other hand, if we choose to focus on all the good things that have happened to us and all the ways things could go right, then we’re more likely to attract good luck into our lives.

Turning Bad Luck Into Good Luck

So how can we turn our bad luck around? The first step is to change our mindset and start looking at things from a more positive perspective. Instead of fixating on all the ways things could go wrong, try thinking about all the ways they could go right.

Secondly, take action towards your goals instead of sitting around waiting for good things to happen. And lastly, don’t take no for an answer—keep working hard and persist even when things seem impossible. Because even if it feels like it sometimes, nobody is actually born lucky—we make our own luck through hard work and determination.


If you’re feeling down because it seems like everything in your life is going wrong, know that you’re definitely not alone. However, it’s important to understand that bad luck is often just a matter of perspective and that we often attract bad luck into our lives by the way we think and act.

So if you want to turn your bad luck around, start by changing your mindset and taking action towards your goals—and don’t give up even when things seem impossible. With enough hard work and determination, anybody can make their own luck.