An STD/ STI is a sexually transmitted infection. At the moment, STIs are incredibly common – it wouldn’t be wrong to state that currently, we are in the middle of an epidemic of many SGIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Many people are confused between the terminology STI and STD. Both are absolutely the same thing – STIs used to be called STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. Over the years, scientists have decided to take away the word disease and replace it with the word infection.
Just to clarify – STIs and STDs are the exact same thing.
What are Some of the Common STIs?
Some of the most common STIs in the world include HPV – also known as Human Papillomavirus or genital warts. This virus can cause genital warts. Another common STI in the world is chlamydia. Gonorrhea is another bacterial STI that is extremely common.
We also have some viral STIs, such as HIV. There are also other STIs, such as syphilis.
The primary reason that you should get tested is also the very reason that STIs are quite common in the first place. The thing is that many STIs have no apparent symptoms. For instance, up to 80% of young women don’t display any symptoms at all if they have a chlamydia infection.
This is also the case with other sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and HIV, where the affected people may not know they have the infection until the disease has progressed so much later.
For this very reason, it is essential to get tested – especially at the start of a new romantic relationship.
What Are the Symptoms of STIs in Men and Women?
For many women, a vaginal discharge is perfectly normal – which is also known as a physiological discharge. However, in certain cases, for instance, if you have an STI, you can develop something that is medically referred to as a pathological discharge.
This kind of discharge is an abnormal discharge – for example, you will want to watch out for a discharge that smells unpleasant, or that is different from a normal discharge. You will also want to look out for a vaginal discharge that has an unusual color – for instance – yellow, green, or gray.
Some women might experience an alternation in their periods. Some women will experience some bleeding after they have sexual intercourse – some women might experience bleeding in between their periods.
Some women with an STI experience pain during or after intercourse.
You get the point – these are all signs of STI in women.
In comparison to women, men tend to experience slightly different symptoms than women. For instance, men with an STI might experience a discharge from their penis. They might as well experience stinging or burning when they urinate.
Occasionally, men with an STI might also experience blood in the sperm or pain after ejaculation. They might as well experience testicular discomfort or pain.
Depending on the type of sex one is having, one can also experience rectal symptoms. For instance, if you are having anal sex, you might experience a discharge from the anus. The color of the discharge might be green or bloody.
You could also experience a sore throat if you are having unprotected oral sex.
What Happens if an STI isn’t Diagnosed or Treated?
It is essential to mention here that many STIs have no symptoms at all, such as the case of chlamydia in women. Women can also develop an infection known as a pelvic inflammatory disease, which is where the STI infects the fallopian tubes and the uterus.
Now, if this STI remains undiagnosed and untreated for a longer time, it can lead to infertility at a later date. Men can develop testicular infections, which are also linked to men’s infertility. This perfectly explains the importance of getting diagnosed and treated for STIs.
You can avail yourself of the best std treatment online if you don’t want to visit a clinic in person. Rest assured, all diagnoses and treatments are confidential, and all STIs are treatable and curable. With that said, if you have any unusual genital symptoms, such as any unusual discharge, pain in the genital area, or abnormal bleeding, you will want to get tested.
Also, if you notice any lumps or bumps in the genital area or new rashes, you must go to the nearest clinic or opt for online treatment and get tested.
The bottom line is that everybody who is sexually active should get tested. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a monogamous relationship – or – whether you have multiple sexual partners – you will want to have protected sex and get tested.
Suppose you are at the beginning of a new relationship and thinking about making it a romantic relationship. In that case, you will want to start the relationship with a clean slate and get yourself, and your partner tested. Most tests are non-invasive and often require only a urine sample.
Other tests might require a swab sample from your inner cheeks. It is always a good thing for your sexual health to get a full screen.