Introducing the most popular Mobile Torrent Clients. With the assistance of these programs, you can comfortably install torrents to the memory of your mobile device, adjust the speed of the download, view content through the built-in player, and use various additional options.
Pirate Bay
The pirate bays proxy will help you download various files to your phone or tablet. It will be easy to download movies, series, games, apps, and even more for your mobile device.
If you like to find out more about the capabilities of the utility, all the necessary information can be found in the “Help” section. To start downloading, just enter the name you are interested in in the search bar. The program has flexible port settings, and also download and upload limits.
The BitTorrent application will allow you to download torrents as well as magnet links at maximum speed. You can specify a folder for saving materials. A preview of the video is obtainable during the download process.
aTorrent contains all the necessary components for comfortable torrents download. Fine-tuning of bandwidth is available (from 1 to 1000 Kb / s), installation of encryption protocols, an autorun tool, manual selection of a directory for saving, and so on.
tTorrent Lite
tTorrent will give you the opportunity to download any file in the highest imaginable quality. The software contains tools for configuring network settings. Traffic encryption and proxy server configurations are functional.
Flud is a useful mobile torrent client with which you can listen to music and watch movies on your phone. The application allows you to enjoy the video without waiting for the full download to complete. A data exchange function is available only with an active Wi-Fi connection.
Vuze is an uncomplicated app that provides search and download torrents functionality. It includes a built-in store with various add-ons from the developer Azureus Software. Able to continue the process of download after rebooting the mobile gadget. Provides comfortable work with any web browser installed in the phone memory.
LibreTorrent is a completely free application for all gadgets on Android 4 and above. The principle of the operation is based on the libtorrent library.
WeTorrent is an indispensable assistant for all users who often and fruitfully interact with torrent trackers. The benefit of this mobile is the high efficiency of downloading and opening downloaded documents and media files.
Straightforward torrent client with minimal features, neat interface and no ads. The standard set of functions includes the capability to add magnet links, torrent files (just from the device), support for partial downloads, settings for download and upload speed, selection of a save location for the files, and notification of a completed task.
The mobile version of uTorrent is similar to its desktop version. Its functionality practically does not differ from the “older brother”. This program is a frequent choice of users who want to see a familiar and understandable interface.
Torrents are among the most convenient ways to exchange information in a large volume. The technology is implemented in a cooperative way based on Bram Cohen’s peer-to-peer protocol. We have reviewed the top mobile torrent clients. To confirm or deny the rating information, you can install programs and check their capabilities on your smartphone phone or tablet yourself.