Serving in the Armed Forces of the United States is a high calling. Thousands and thousands of recruits join the ranks each year, swearing an oath to uphold the values and needs of the country. Many of them may see combat situations, though there are plenty of roles within the military that are not on the front lines.
A career in the military is a unique situation. In many cases, veterans of the armed forces find it difficult to transition back into civilian life when their time with the military has ended. Their experiences make it hard to relate to others, and sometimes, the translation of their skills to new roles is uncertain.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is a branch of the federal government that exists to help veterans transition into civilian life. If you are a veteran of the military, then you should be aware of the perks available to you through the VA.
Educational/Career Counseling
One of the most difficult aspects of re-integrating into society is finding a new career. While you have learned many practical skills during your time of service, it is not always clear how those skills may translate into another role in an entirely new industry. For example, how can you create a CV for a new career? What should be highlighted? What type of job would suit your skills? Navigating these questions is easier when you use resources from the VA, specifically the educational and career counseling options. These services are free to veterans so you can work with professionals to find a path forward with either further education or finding a job.
Vast Healthcare Network
Healthcare is an important aspect of life. The older you get, the more likely you are to encounter health problems. Perhaps you were injured during your military service and require more attention as you navigate life as a veteran. The VA is connected to a large network of healthcare practices and professionals throughout the country that can support your needs. Due to your service, you gain instant access to this network of vast resources, which can be incredibly beneficial as you get older and face greater health concerns.
VA Disability Benefits
Many service members get injured or ill during their time in the armed forces. Often, these conditions are a direct result of their service, but they could also be health concerns that existed before and were exacerbated during their time in the military. If this is true for you, then you may be eligible for VA disability benefits. This comes in the form of tax-free monthly payments that could be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over $4,000. The amount depends on your disability rating. To have your claim approved, you must be able to demonstrate that your injury or illness is service-related. If you have questions like “Can I file a VA claim without a diagnosis?”, then you may want to call professionals who can assist with your VA claim.
Small Business Assistance
Many veterans return home full of ambition and drive. A natural outlet for these soft skills is starting a new business. Perhaps you learned something during your time of service that you became passionate about and hope to provide for society in that way. No matter the reason, starting a business requires a lot of hard work. The VA can offer support for your professional endeavors. If you opt for the Veteran Small Business Certification program, you can access multiple resources that will help you along your journey, including an advantage when bidding on government projects.
VA Home Loans
Citizens of the United States often have dreams of living in their own homes. Renting may be preferable for some, but others want to invest in a house for the long term. The problem is that homes can be expensive, and not all service members or veterans have the consistent income needed to afford a house. With VA-backed home loans, your goal of homeownership is much simpler. These loans have no down payment requirement, lower interest rates, and no mortgage insurance premiums. That means the total cost of your home and your monthly payments will both be lower than what someone else would be paying for the same house. All you have to do is find a lender that offers VA loans.
Take Full Advantage of the Perks of Being a Veteran
Re-integrating into society after military service is rarely easy. However, you can make things a little simpler by looking into the resources provided by the VA. Whether you are searching for the right career, trying to manage your healthcare needs, starting a business, or hoping to buy a home, the VA has programs that can make the civilian transition a little easier for you.