There’s a learning curve to negotiate with sexy cams, and practice makes perfect. Along the way, you’ll inevitably make the occasional faux pas, which is all part and parcel of the experience.
Being able to laugh at yourself when things go wrong on virtual dates holds the key to making the most of every experience. When you start taking yourself too seriously, the whole thing becomes more of a chore than a pleasure.
But despite how simple and enjoyable things get when hooking up with cam girls, there are some things you should never say. That is, unless you want to come off as a complete dick and perhaps even be tossed out of the session and told not to come back.
It’s a diverse (and seemingly endless) list, but the following should give you a good idea of what not to say during a virtual date:
- How much do you earn?– this is absolutely none of your business and will have the same negative impact as it would on a regular date. Even when things get nice and chatty, personal questions like this should be left out of the equation.
- You look bored/tired – if there’s a great way to make a cam girl feel like she is doing a bad job, this is it. Even if she does look bored or more tired than usual, it’s not something to bring up during your session.
- Are you pregnant? – not only is this none of your business, but it can also be incredibly insulting for a woman to be assumed to be pregnant when she isn’t. Unless it’s a subject your virtual day brings up, don’t be the one to mention it first, ever.
- You want to meet for real – under no circumstances should you ever attempt to persuade a webcam model to meet you in the real world. This isn’t the heart of the service they provide and is the practice that can put them in real danger.
- You look like my mom/sister – you can explore the depth of most kinks with webcam girls, but there’s a line between kinky and creepy. Suffice it to say, any mention of family members, and you can expect your session to be cut short.
- Are those real? – even if it is 100% obvious your online date has been under the knife, it’s hugely impolite (and completely unnecessary) to bring it up in conversation.
- Tell me you love me – falling head over heels for webcam models happens to many men, but it’s always (as in ALWAYS) one way. She’s there to entertain you – not to fall in love with you or pursue a real-life relationship.
- You wear too much make-up – this may be true, and you may attempt to offer some backhanded compliment by saying it. The trouble is that by criticizing her look in any way, you’ll do a number on her confidence.
- Hold, please, I need to take this call – would you put a real-life date or sex session on hold to take a call and speak to someone else? Of course, you wouldn’t, so don’t expect your online date to tolerate the same kind of rudeness.
- You were born a man, weren’t you? – you’d be forgiven for thinking no right-minded person would ever ask this, but you’d be wrong.
- Have you gained weight? – they may have, but it’s not for you to point it out. You’ve chosen to hook up with this person for a reason, so you should appreciate them as they are. If not, feel free to take your business elsewhere.
- Can I record and share our sessions? – the answer to this will always be no and will inherently bring awkwardness into the conversation? Your online hookups are exclusively for the two of you to enjoy – nobody else.
- Will you do X if I pay you more? – if something is off the menu with a webcam girl, never attempt to persuade her to do it for more money. It’s a clear and unacceptable sign of disrespect and will not go well in your favor.
- Can we hurry things up, please?– rushing webcam models to get the job done as quickly as possible rarely goes down well. If you’ve no more than a few minutes to spare and have one thing in mind, you’ll probably have more fun with porn.
In conclusion, while engaging in virtual dates with cam girls can be enjoyable and fun, it is important to be aware of the things you should never say. Asking personal and inappropriate questions, making negative comments about appearance, and attempting to persuade them to meet in person or do something they are not comfortable with are all examples of disrespectful behavior that can ruin the experience for both parties. It is important to always treat cam girls with respect and appreciate them for who they are. Failure to do so may result in being banned from the session