Text can be “strong,” “tasty,” and “selling,” not only on paper or computer/smartphone screen. Much in business, politics, and life, in general, is decided by words spoken in public. Many people have gone through this: at first, it seems that writing the text of a speech is easy, then you choose words around the clock, formulate topics, and delete the unimportant. And at the end – the lack of “breaking” effect, which you have been waiting for. How to learn to write if you have already started your career in business? We will tell in this article. Also, this article will be helpful for a student who research education information for his coursework at his university, college, or school.
Why is the quality text of argumentative speech important?
A speaker is not just a writer who chooses to word. A speaker is a person who takes a topic, divides it into subcategories, and reveals each of them in such a way that the reader/listener can quickly get the necessary information. Does this require effort? Of course, your audience is not always ready for it. Not everyone is prepared to disassemble complex, whimsical “speeches,” especially if you plan to speak in business or the political arena in front of the electorate.
The first point: quality performance is a structure. Creating such a structure without special analytical training and authorship experience is challenging. The speaker can create structural, explicit texts.
The second point – is the awakening of emotions in listeners. Concise and clear language, of course, will convey your ideas. But will it convey their emotional meaning? For example, if you present a startup. You described everything in paragraphs. Potential investors have noticed that the project is well thought out and has a chance of success. However, they did not notice your readiness to “fight.” They did not see that you can lead people – but this is an essential quality for any young entrepreneur. The text should be written by a specialist who combines emotion and reason. It is desirable that this was an outsider who can appreciate your project and its benefits.
Improvisation sometimes works in as addition to public performances. And sometimes not. And no one will guarantee that this “no” will not happen at the most critical moment. Therefore, it is better to prepare everything: from the text to semantic pauses and exclamations during the speech. If you are only a beginner at speechwriting, you can search for free argumentative essay examples. Essay samples can be an excellent start to understanding the proper structure of your speech, and of course, there is nothing shameful to get some help with essay.
The final purpose of the speech? Complete the tasks you set for her. It is often a struggle for the trust of the electorate/investors/business partners or the conversion of listeners to your customers. The second example is less common in practice because business people do not often turn to customers.
Types of speakers
In addition, there are different types of speakers. According to your character and mood, you need to determine which type is closest to you to improve your strengths of speech skills. You can even find academic course and lesson dedicated to this topic, but we will discuss the main things.
Speakers of this type tend to analyze phenomena, reason, and rigorous argumentation of their own and others’ actions. Their preparation for any speech is characterized by consistent selection and strict systematization of materials, reflection, and the development of a detailed plan. This plan seems to be “sitting inside them,” and speakers do not use it during the speech. They are often concerned about something else: how to make their speech more vivid and emotional, which examples to take to interest the audience. “Logicians” are often sanguine.
Representatives of this type speak passionately and enthusiastically, sprinkling their speech with sharp words and puns, but can not always follow the logical sequence of speech and “make ends meet.” They do not always write a plan of their performances, believing it binds them. There is a coincidence of emotional language type with choleric temperament.
Speakers – “philosophers” are more or less emotional, prone to analysis. They are very organized in their work, and sometimes without any visible organization, reveal any one issue, get to the root, and suddenly, like a ray of light, irradiate everything with the idea found. Their common feature is the desire to research, a deep understanding of phenomena right in front of the audience, and the desire and ability to involve the audience in this process. Most often, this group consists of people with phlegmatic temperaments.
Lyrical or artistic-figurative
These are the characteristics of this type: deep emotionality, lyricism, inner excitement, acute vulnerability, and insight. Most often, it is based on a graceful, melancholy character.
Analysis of the speaker’s speech
After the speech, an analysis is required. First of all, to find, highlight, and consider the shortcomings.
Speech analysis scheme
- What is the topic of the speech? Has his goal been achieved? Is the issue relevant to the audience or engaging?
- What material is used in the text of the speech?
- What is the composition of the speech? What are the methods of presenting the material used?
- Is the speech logical or probative?
- Does the speech meet the correctness, accuracy, expressiveness, and richness of speech?
- What is the way to deliver a speech?
- Did the speaker comply with the requirements of speech technique?
- What are the speaker’s appearance or appropriate gestures and facial expressions? How free is he in front of the audience?
- Is there contact with the audience? By what means?
Good speakers are learning from their earliest professional steps – multi-vector. Ability to understand any topic to express the importance in text form. Improve this skill, deepen your skills in understanding the target audience’s psychology, and move forward – this is a good base for a speechwriter. If you follow these steps and advice, you will become a real hero, and maybe you will meet someone reading a book or a story about you in the library!