The screwball pitch is one of the most difficult pitches to throw in baseball, but it can be a real game-changer if you can master it. In this blog post, we’ll give you a quick overview of what the screwball pitch is and how to throw it. With a little practice, you’ll be throwing strikeouts left and right with this tricky but exciting pitch.
What is a Screwball Pitch?
A screwball pitch is a type of fastball that is thrown with a clockwise spin (from the pitcher’s perspective). This unusual spin makes the ball break away from a right-handed batter and towards a left-handed batter, or vice versa. The screwball pitch is notoriously difficult to control, which is why it’s often considered a high-risk/high-reward pitch. When thrown correctly, however, it can be virtually unhittable.
How to Throw a Screwball Pitch
Throwing a screwball pitch properly takes quite a bit of practice and mastery of the mechanics involved. Remember, this pitch is all aboutspin—without proper spin, you won’t get the desired movement on the ball. Here are a few tips to help you perfect your screwball pitch:
Grip the ball with your middle and index fingers across the seams. Your thumb should be underneath the ball.
As you throw the ball, snap your wrists so that your fingers roll over the top of the ball. This will give the ball its spin.
Release the ball later than you would with a normal fastball—ideally, you want to release it at around shoulder height.
The screwball pitch can be one of the most exciting and effective pitches in baseball—but it takes quite a bit of practice to perfect. With these tips in mind, head out to the bullpen and start putting in some work. Before long, you’ll be throwing this pitch like an All-Star!