If there is one thing that frustrates people the most is not knowing what the person they like wants from them. There is that constant going back and forth with a million questions about whether he is serious about you or not, if he likes you, and most importantly, when is he going to ask you out on a date.
The truth is guys are a bit confusing at times. It can be hard to tell what they are feeling and thinking at the moment, so people need to rely on their body language and actions to define the intentions of their potential partners.
The good news is there are a few telltale signs you can watch out for that clearly indicate your guy wants to ask you out. Even if he doesn’t say the actual words, there are some things he may be doing that show he is about to make his move.
To help you along, we have written the ultimate guide outlining five signs that indicate he is getting ready to ask you out on a date soon.
Regular communication
If you are talking all the time, then that is a clear sign that he is really interested in you and is going to ask you out soon.
Whether you met him on an online dating website while searching for casual encounters in a city near you, both of you have made such a great impression on each other that you continued your conversations on the phone and social networks.
Also, if you’re not only chit-chatting but having deeper conversations about your personal life and interests, then you can rest assured he is about to make the next move.
His body language
Watching out for his body language can also be a true indication that he is planning to ask you out. This is actually the most obvious sign that shows he is crazy about you and will soon find the courage to ask you to hang out.
For example, some things he may be doing to make the first move are hugging, touching, or even eye contact. If he keeps on gazing into your eyes, then know that he is totally crushing on you and is trying to find the right words to ask you out on a date.
He makes future plans with you
You may have just started talking, but if he is already making plans about going on trips and adventures together, then you can definitely expect him to ask you the big question. This simply means that he is interested in you and is willing to experience new things that can strengthen your bond.
Because this is something both of you will be doing, you should also suggest some ideas. Doing so will show him that you want to spend quality time with him and take your relationship to the next level.
He is really invested in you
It is well known that guys aren’t really detail-oriented, but things often change when they meet someone they really like. When this happens, they usually ask a lot of questions, listen carefully to their partner and shower them with compliments, all of which means that they are serious about the other person.
If your guy does all of this, then that’s your clue that he is ready to ask you out. He may be paying close attention to the way you speak, how you move your hands, or simply how you smile which means that he is truly invested in getting to know you.
He teases and flirts with you
If there is one thing guys really love doing with someone they like is to tease and flirt with them in cheesy ways. They do this only to show their affection towards the other person and with the hope of getting them to smile.
For example, he may be making jokes about you two getting married and having kids. While this could be a joke to you, he may actually be doing it to test the waters and see how you will react before he makes the next move.
Final thoughts
Although guys may have a hard time finding the right words to ask you out directly, they may be doing some things that can indicate they are serious about getting to know you. Whether they make cute jokes about you, ask you about your personal life, or are constantly looking for ways to reach out to you, there are many clues you can watch out for that show he is crazy about you and will ask you out on a date soon.