A business that runs in more than one location needs to use multi-location marketing tactics to improve its sales and grow its business; it needs to use the best and most effective multi-location marketing tactics for all of its locations. You need to market each business separately as it comes with challenges, connecting and selling for each business separately; to grow both online and offline we here present you the top 10 best marketing tactics for multi-location businesses.
1. Create Specific online profiles for each location
Business profiles give customers an easy way to find information that is unique to each location; each profile location and listing works as a passage for your specific business area; so you don’t need a specific website for each location but the proper orientation of your website is required as it should be connected with each profile section; which helps in improving SEO on both local and online strategy while improving multi-location marketing for your brand. Profiles also promote each business on social media by checking in, sharing, and tagging features when they visit your local stores.
2. Run Ads For Specifics Locations as pay per click
While dealing with multi-location marketing you need to design ads for the different locations for a different customer base. Multi-locational business gives a wider range of customers coverage from where we can drive them directly to our specific store site. As pay per click is fully customizable and can be used for different locations by doing slight changes in it, PPC can be used for each location and can help in capitalizing the customer base.
3. Track Location specific Marketing data
While running marketing campaigns for multi-locational businesses data needs to be fully organized on the basis of location ads; as it needs to be analyzed and changed as per reports and needs of business demand. Data organized by specific region and location helps in tracking the performance of previous products and campaigns.
4. Unique content for each location
Each location and region needs unique content with a unique page that leads to the right audience of that specific region with the required product to improve sales and brand value. Businesses with multiple locations have a landing “home page” which serves as the main source of information about their all products and branches with proper orientation throughout the webpage. On the home page, you need to include pages for each specific location with all the information about them like operating hours, exclusive products, and a local map.
5. Consistent Information updation
Multi-location marketing information needs to be unique for each location. However, the information needs to be consistent between all the locations; brand guidelines help in improving consistent information updates in all locations.
6. Buyers unique to each region need specific personas
Different locations have different types of customers with different choices and interests for digital marketing. Each region’s customer faces different problems, and each region’s buyer’s personas face some similar problems like product reviews, basic customer problems reviews, and report systems with solutions from the support team.
7. Customized email marketing for each location
Email marketing is a very effective way to promote and maintain a customer base and promote new sales; exclusive products with specific region stores as needed in multi- location marketing is a very effective and easy way to make a large customer base. We can share information and messages to local appeal and improve our customer base.
Newsletters should contain specific local news to each customer along with deals and coupons which improves brand value.
8. Use community events for promotion
The best way to engage and connect with customers is to participate in local events and be part of it by promoting or supporting the community in the best way to promote our products and to be well known in the local community, as it helps in improving the marketing of the brand; such as charity drives, sponsoring local sports team and festivals which in attracting customers and makes us known well in that area which helps in recurring customers.
9. Manage Reviews
A multi-locational business that follows up on their customer’s reviews always leads the market as it shows the brand’s concern towards customers and improves brand value as their customers start promoting their brand on their own, monitoring online reviews and tackling negative comments while solving customer problems.
A recent survey found that 97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses in 2017, and 85% trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations from friends or family.
10. Promote on local news
Local news are an effective and cheap way of promoting a brand or specific product to attract local customers to their stores via 30-60 seconds ads between the story or drama coverage which leads a serious impact on customers minds and they get aware of new deals and stores that are nearby; try to share information through advertisement about some facts about your business or share some work like charity you have done.
If you are struggling in growing your multi-location business then try to implement these 10 best marketing tactics for multi location businesses to accelerate your growth.